
Radiocarbon AMS, pollen, phytolith, proteins, and plant identification


Single sample or entire core analysis using XRF, FTIR, and XRD


Analyze or map nutrients and toxins in plants, soils, and fertilizers

PaleoResearch Institute

PaleoResearch Institute specializes in paleoenvironmental, archaeobotanic, and radiocarbon dating services. This includes radiocarbon dating, palynology, geology, and archaeometry. We don't just send a spreadsheet of results, but provide interpretation for your results. For a complete list and descriptions of all our available services, please visit our services index

Radiocarbon Dating

By carefully measuring the decay of 14C relative to stable carbon isotopes, we can infer the age of an organic sample


Analysis of pollen isn't just a science, it's an art. Our experienced palynologists can reconstruct the vegetation history of your site

Climate Modelling

Subtle clues in isotopes, pollen, and sediment morphology allows us to reconstruct the climate of the past

Plant Analysis

Using macrobotanicals, wood/charcoal identification, and fiber or cell identification we address artifact construction, address forensic questions, or discuss food or medicine preparation


We employ non-destructive custom-calibrated X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of single samples and geologic cores


Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (using mid-range wavelengths) of organic molecules helps address contents of cooking vessels and identify the presence of organic compounds


Protein analysis identifies preserved proteins retained on artifacts suggesting their use

Contextual Results

With all of our services, we provide the context needed to interpret the results with client-based reports and background information


For pricing, availability, and general questions, feel free to get in touch.

PaleoResearch Institute

  • 2675 Youngfield St
  • Golden, CO 80401


  • Call us: +1 303.277.9848