Archaeological Services

PRI employs a multi method approach to helping you reconstruct activities at your site. We routinely employ pollen, phytolith, protein, and sediment analysis to reconstruct the environment and activities. We can also perform non-destructive analysis using modern techniques such as XRF and FTIR.

We regularly work with a wide variety of clients and projects. After decades of work in the field, we understand that the data alone cannot tell the (pre)history - it needs context. We aim to provide not just numbers, but reports that enable you to integrate the data into a bigger picture.

AMS Radiocarbon

We specialize in chemical pre-treatment of AMS radiocarbon samples, developing innovative solutions to dating difficult samples. When dating bone we routinely use XAD resin

Charcoal and Wood

Identify the taxa present in your site using our expertise to better understand the local environment, people’s choices, and to select the best annual or charcoal for radiocarbon dating

Climate Modelling

Computer macrophysical climate modeling relies on principles of climatology to reconstruct the position of “centers of action” in the past to create a model for “your” location. This model may be compared to pollen records or other proxies


Identify geochemical changes in strata by providing us either cores or seperate samples


Using multiple techniques, we can characterize the composition of artifacts such as ceramics, lithics, and metals

Data Mapping

Identify the spread of elements like phosphorous across your site


Determine the taxa and type of fiber in your artifacts


Identify organics using this modern, potentially non-destructive method


Identify the taxa of plants found in your site


Parasite eggs are retained in sediments, especially privies and occasionally floors. They provide another dimension for interpreting nutrition and health


Silica casts of plant cells and calcium oxalate crystals may identify plant taxa and contribute to ecosystem reconstruction and dietary reconstruction


Palynology helps reconstruct the ecosystem of your site in time and space


Preserved proteins on lithic artifacts are identified


Identify how artifacts were used, providing residue has been preserved on them


Microscopic starches recovered from teeth, ceramics, groundstone, and sediment samples identify preparation and/or consumption of plants


Calculus contains microscopic remains that, when analyzed, inform about diet and habits


X-ray Diffraction identifies the crystaline minerals present in artifacts and ecofacts


X-ray fluorescence can be used to identify elements and composition

Contextual Results

With all of our services, we provide the context needed to interpret the results with client-based reports and background informatio